Consultation on SuStM CIL decisions

February to April 2020 applications window

1.      Wolvercote Cricket Club Practice Nets.  Although it draws players from our NP area the nets would be in Cutteslowe Park which is in Wolvercote.  It’s good that they are supported by Cherwell School and we might well have supported it had the nets been sited in the school grounds.  Decision: Decline the application but encourage them to apply to a well-funded Wolvercote NF once it is “made”. 

2.      Summertown Christmas Lights.  There is concern that it is retrospective although we did encourage an application. We’d like to know who has funded the shortfall at the moment and what would happen if we do not make the grant. We will be happy to consider annual applications for future lights.  Decision: Check the position and report back, and then reconsider (application is for £1,776).  Update: Retrospective funding is not permitted and so the application is declined.

3.      Trap Grounds Water Course Renovation. Check whether the City Council can recover VAT on the project.  Decision: Agreed to fund up to £2,052 inc VAT.  Two quotes are required.

4.      Lathbury Road Traffic Calming.  There is limited information to indicate real need and no traffic survey has been undertaken. Could the County Council, Highways Dept and/or St Clare’s fund this if there is a pressing need?  Decision: Decline the application and suggest they contact the County Council. 

5.      SS Philip & James School Solar Panels.  Will all the benefits go to the school?  Have Low Carbon Hub been involved? Should we fund a bit less than £7,180?  Decision: Agreed subject to further information. Two quotes are required and approval from the County Council.

6.      Toddler Playgroup at Summertown URC.  Decision: It is free to users and open to everyone.  Agreed to fund £500. 

7.      The Good Fill.  A bit premature for us although an interesting project.  It’s more of a business start-up and they don’t have premises.  Decision: Decline the application.

8.      Library of Things: 2 Powered Delivery Bikes. This appears a good initiative although we would like to know how local it is by asking how many of our residents use it compared to other parts of Oxford.  Decision: Agreed the application, initially for one bike, subject to this further information.  Two quotes are required.

9.      Cutteslowe Community Centre Refurbishment of Men’s Toilets.  The men’s toilets are awful.  We are aware the Centre is well run, very active and has already asked the City Council for support.  Decision: Agreed to fund this application subject to them getting three quotes and establishing if the £9,847 can be reduced. 

10.   Alexandra Park Surface Infrastructure Improvements.  We need to ensure value for money and the City Council’s total price of £9,570 looks high. Alexandra Park is the "Cinderella park" compared to others such as Sunnymead and Cutteslowe. Decision: Yes in principle subject to discussing value for money with the City Council. 

11.   Habitat Improvement along Oxford Canal.  Decision: Agreed to fund up to £2k subject to checking that the spending will be within SuStM boundaries. 

12.   Alexandra Park Pedestrian Access.  SuStM would like to see a reduction in the car parking which would ease the congestion and improve safety.  However, if the City Council insists on keeping 26 parking spaces then the Council should use some of the parking revenue to fund these changes.  Decision: Decline the application and make the case to the Council for funding this.